In 2021, the Selectboard for the Town of Hull officially approved the painting of the Kenberma Street pedestrian crosswalk across Nantasket Avenue in Hull.

Hull Pride is privately funding the crosswalk and accepting donations. Go here to donate.


The Town of Hull has experience significant delays in procuring the contractors to complete roadwork projects. The repaving of Nantasket Avenue from Kenberma to the War Monument has long been funded, but it is been very difficult to get the project complete. The Town has prioritized the paving of this project before the end of the 2024 paving season and should be done imminently. The Town will then be able to stripe the rainbow crosswalk at Kenberma across Nantasket Avenue using our contractor and funding.



Rising costs.
COVID staffing limitations.
Delayed road work.

These are just a few of the reasons why we have been delayed on striping the Kenberma Rainbow Crosswalk Project.

I wanted to write you another update as a donor for our project.

We will get this done! I promise. Unfortunately, we ran out of time to get the Town of Hull's road contractor in before the end of the paving season. We have been in constant and frequent contact with the Town of Hull since our project first got approval last year. Once this is done in the spring, we will be able to bring in our painting contractor and get the project completed.

Why don't we just paint it ourselves now? Well, we want it to be done professionally by a paint striping contractor because we want it to last a very long time. Additionally, if we paint it, the road will just be dug up again as Kenberma and Nantasket has been on the Town's road repair schedule for a long time now.

Why not put the crosswalk somewhere else? Because we would have to seek approval from the Town again. And the Kenberma intersection over Nantasket Avenue received broad agreement from the Selectboard, Town Manager, Economic Development Committee and Police Department.

Corporate sponsors for the Kenberma Rainbow Crosswalk: